One Stop Border Post |
Infrastructure Improvement at Malaba and Busia Borders: Invest in and enhance the infrastructure leading to the Busia border Wider road and parking area will contribute to a smoother flow of
traffic, reducing congestion and delays at the border crossing There is need to geofence the already stablished roadside parking facilities and further develop the rest stops by county governments, especially in Busia and Malaba to handle traffic to and from the borders The County Government of Busia to prioritize completion of the envisioned truck parking yard to alleviate traffic at the border
Advocacy for infrastructure development and improvement ongoing
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Kenya National Highway Authority
Uganda National Roads Authority
One Stop Border Post |
Ensure Functionality of Scanners: Address the issue of non-functional scanners by providing an alternate mobile scanner that is in good working condition Reliable scanning technology is crucial for accurate inspections and timely clearance of goods, contributing to an overall improvement in border efficiency
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Uganda Revenue Authority
One Stop Border Post |
Compulsory Goods Pre-Clearance: Implement a mandatory goods pre-clearance process to expedite border crossing procedures This proactive approach will significantly reduce processing time and contribute to a more efficient flow of goods
Advocacy for Pre-Clearance
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Uganda Revenue Authority
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Office Burundais Des Recettes
The Republic of South Sudan National Revenue Authority
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
With the development of SGR railway lines, there is a recommendation to have dry ports for various Member States to hasten the process of clearing of cargo from the port
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NCTTCA to follow-up with relevant stakeholders towards establishment of dry ports
Transport Costs |
VISA requirement hampering Trade in the region. Visa fees requirement should be abolished in all the Northern Corridor Member States to facilitate free movement of people
Pending for DRC and South Sudan
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant agencies towards eliminating visa fees in Member states of DRC and South Sudan
Delays along the Corridor |
Traders/Clearing Agents should make preparations to pick their cargo from the port (pay their port charges and arrange transport for their cargo in advance).
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NCTTCA to work closely with transport associations and Importers to sensitise members on preparations and its implications
Delays along the Corridor |
To further minimise delays at ports and border stations for goods in transit whose taxes are not paid at the port or border stations the use of RCTG Carnet should be enhanced and used as a simplified customs declaration and bond security for goods declared in transit or for warehousing in destination countries. This should eliminate the necessity for the use of the conventional Bills of Entry for transiting goods.
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders
One Stop Border Post |
To enhance quick response towards addressing operational challenges at the border stations, the NCTTCA Secretariat should support Member States in the formation of Cross Joint Border Committees at the key border stations where they do not exist. Furthermore, they should periodically generate and issue performance reports on the key border crossing performance indicators to the respective border stations as a way of monitoring performance. The Member States urged to provide the raw data to support the generation of the reports
Partially done; NCTTCA have established Cross Joint border committees in the Member States of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi
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NCTTCA to work towards establishing Cross Joint Border Committees in all border points
Intra-regional Trade |
To enhance collection of data on informal trade by all Member States, the Member States which are not collecting data on informal trade urged to adopt the use of methodologies used by the other Member States to collect data on informal trade.
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NCTTCA to advocate for adoption of various methodologies for collection of data on informal trade
Information Sharing and Sensitization |
To effectively provide information to the users and potential investors as regards registration and licensing of businesses and transport companies, KRA, NTSA, URA and RRA should regularly put online the list of licensed trucks, Clearing Agents and ECTS within the region
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant agencies to have the recommendations implemented