One Stop Border Post |
Infrastructure Improvement at Malaba and Busia Borders: Invest in and enhance the infrastructure leading to the Busia border Wider road and parking area will contribute to a smoother flow of
traffic, reducing congestion and delays at the border crossing There is need to geofence the already stablished roadside parking facilities and further develop the rest stops by county governments, especially in Busia and Malaba to handle traffic to and from the borders The County Government of Busia to prioritize completion of the envisioned truck parking yard to alleviate traffic at the border
Advocacy for infrastructure development and improvement ongoing
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Kenya National Highway Authority
Uganda National Roads Authority
One Stop Border Post |
Ensure Functionality of Scanners: Address the issue of non-functional scanners by providing an alternate mobile scanner that is in good working condition Reliable scanning technology is crucial for accurate inspections and timely clearance of goods, contributing to an overall improvement in border efficiency
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Uganda Revenue Authority
One Stop Border Post |
Compulsory Goods Pre-Clearance: Implement a mandatory goods pre-clearance process to expedite border crossing procedures This proactive approach will significantly reduce processing time and contribute to a more efficient flow of goods
Advocacy for Pre-Clearance
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Uganda Revenue Authority
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Office Burundais Des Recettes
The Republic of South Sudan National Revenue Authority
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
With the development of SGR railway lines, there is a recommendation to have dry ports for various Member States to hasten the process of clearing of cargo from the port
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NCTTCA to follow-up with relevant stakeholders towards establishment of dry ports
Transport Costs |
VISA requirement hampering Trade in the region. Visa fees requirement should be abolished in all the Northern Corridor Member States to facilitate free movement of people
Pending for DRC and South Sudan
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant agencies towards eliminating visa fees in Member states of DRC and South Sudan
Delays along the Corridor |
Traders/Clearing Agents should make preparations to pick their cargo from the port (pay their port charges and arrange transport for their cargo in advance).
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NCTTCA to work closely with transport associations and Importers to sensitise members on preparations and its implications
Delays along the Corridor |
To further minimise delays at ports and border stations for goods in transit whose taxes are not paid at the port or border stations the use of RCTG Carnet should be enhanced and used as a simplified customs declaration and bond security for goods declared in transit or for warehousing in destination countries. This should eliminate the necessity for the use of the conventional Bills of Entry for transiting goods.
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders
One Stop Border Post |
To enhance quick response towards addressing operational challenges at the border stations, the NCTTCA Secretariat should support Member States in the formation of Cross Joint Border Committees at the key border stations where they do not exist. Furthermore, they should periodically generate and issue performance reports on the key border crossing performance indicators to the respective border stations as a way of monitoring performance. The Member States urged to provide the raw data to support the generation of the reports
Partially done; NCTTCA have established Cross Joint border committees in the Member States of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi
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NCTTCA to work towards establishing Cross Joint Border Committees in all border points
Intra-regional Trade |
To enhance collection of data on informal trade by all Member States, the Member States which are not collecting data on informal trade urged to adopt the use of methodologies used by the other Member States to collect data on informal trade.
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NCTTCA to advocate for adoption of various methodologies for collection of data on informal trade
Information Sharing and Sensitization |
To effectively provide information to the users and potential investors as regards registration and licensing of businesses and transport companies, KRA, NTSA, URA and RRA should regularly put online the list of licensed trucks, Clearing Agents and ECTS within the region
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant agencies to have the recommendations implemented
Delays along the Corridor |
To achieve the 120,000Km/year per truck, there is need to train truck drivers on productivity management. The drivers should be paid per millage covered to reduce unnecessary delays and wastages. The truck driver’s association to be involved in training
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NCTTCA to follow up with transporters association and have the recommendation implemented
Pipeline Transport |
Though the Northern Corridor pipeline is only up to Eldoret and Kisumu, it is evident that this reduces the trucking distance for transit countries if they pick the products from the nearest depots. There is need to fast track improvement of loading facilities to improve track turnaround and efficiency, and sensitising on the cost savings as a result of the expanded capacity of the pipeline to cushion on the unpredictability of the market
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Kenya Pipeline Corporation
NCTTCA to follow-up with KPC to ascertain the current situation as well as influence for improvement of loading facilities and other measures recommended
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
There should be identification of trucks on first weighing (certificate of identification on compliance) to avoid multiple stops at the weighbridges and a comprehensive sensitisation of truck drivers on weighing
It is understood that with the introduction of HSWIM, the trucks are only diverted to static weighbridge if they are not compliant with HSWIM.
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Consider measuring the number of stoppages per truck to ascertain if there is frequent weighing of trucks.
Cargo Monitoring |
There should be a common platform of ECTS in the region as this will ensure cargo integrity and seamless monitoring of transit goods from the origin to the final destination. Data from ECTS to collaborate the GPS survey initiative; Currently, only Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda are using the Regional Electronic Cargo Tracking System. All the Northern Corridor Member States should join this initiative as goods under RECTS take shorter transit and clearance time
Partially Done: Done for Kenya, Uganda & Rwanda; Pending for DRC, Burundi & South Sudan
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NCTTCA to follow up for RECTS to cover Member states of DRC, Burundi and South Sudan
One Stop Border Post |
There should also be sensitisation on regulations and procedures for clearance through customs and immigration; Digital scanner is necessary to minimise delays or easy verification of goods at the border stations
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders and ensure the recommendations are implemented
One Stop Border Post |
There is still longer waiting time at Malaba Border post; Full implementation of the Single Customs Territory should be expedited
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NCTTCA need to ascertain the recurring queue at that border is adequately addressed
Transport Costs |
There is reported problem of parking of trucks in major towns and therefore need for relevant authorities to look into creating more parking yards for trucks as well as reduce parking fees
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NCTTCA need to follow up with relevant stakeholders to have this recommendation implemented
One Stop Border Post |
There is reported higher OSBP crossing time at Malaba border. These delays reverse the gains made by OSBP and SCT initiatives calling for enhanced systems connectivity and provision of enough parking yards at the border to reduce congestion. Also, there is a need to do border audit to identify any other bottlenecks affecting the flow of traffic and if need be, review standard operating procedures and removal of duplicate procedures
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NCTTCA need to carry out audits at the borders to ascertain the causes of delays and identify areas of improvements
One Stop Border Post |
There is need to upgrade the border stations of Lwakhakha, Suam River and Amudat and the road network leading to these border stations
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant authorities
One Stop Border Post |
There is need to pursue computerisation where border post is not yet computerised to hasten clearance processes
Most OSBPS have been computerised
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NCTTCA to do an assessment of all borders and lobby for computerisation where the borders have not been computerised
Sensitisation on Official Charges |
There is need to harmonise levies and fees being charged along the corridor—sensitisation of truckers through issuance of information brochures on official charges
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No sensitisation has ever been carried out
Customs Processes and Automation |
There is need to adopt a single transit system for the Northern Corridor for clearance of internationally traded goods as recommended by earlier studies to address this problem. The transit system should encompass a simplified customs declaration as well as customs bonding of goods. The system should also provide a facility for the use of a Carnet
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders and have this implemented
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
There is a need to harmonise the charges and penalties for non-compliance on the weighbridges along the NC routes
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NCTTCA needs to follow up with the relevant agencies to have the recommendation implemented
Delays along the Corridor |
There is a need to follow up and ensure time at DPC is
reduced from the current reported time. DPC time affects the overall logistics performance and time it takes to move cargo from one point to another.
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NCTTCA to investigate the cause of DPC time and work with stakeholders towards reducing this time.
Intra-regional Trade |
There is a need for the full implementation of the WTO-TFA, the African CFTA and other trade and transport facilitation instruments to enable countries to increase their competitiveness and enhance economic growth and development
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NCTTCA to work with the stakeholders to have recommendation fast-tracked
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
There is a need for further improvement of operations at the ICD for faster evacuation of goods moved under the railway
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NCTTCA to do follow up and confirm implementation of this recommendation
Cargo Monitoring |
The transporters should be allowed to acquire the R-ECTS devices, and the Customs Authorities retain the
the function of operating them, i.e. arming/disarming the seals and tracking movement of the sealed cargo; Geo zone/fence the R-ECTS with the key transit nodes along the Northern Corridor
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NCTTCA to follow up recommendation with customs authorities in Member States
Delays along the Corridor |
The traders and transporters are therefore to act swiftly to ensure faster evacuation of their cargo from the port after clearance to reduce time wastage as a result of laxities on their side
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NCTTCA to follow up with transporters association to influence their members to evacuate cargo to reduce delays.
Customs Processes and Automation |
The single transit system will also eliminate the challenges of clearance and exchange of information across the region being faced by interconnectivity of customs business systems
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders and have this implemented
Transport Costs |
The road use charges have not been harmonised across the Member States of the Northern Corridor, and this contributes to the high cost of transport
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NCTTCA need to follow up with relevant stakeholders to have this recommendation implemented
One Stop Border Post |
The report recommended to the Government of South Sudan and the development partners to support South Sudan National Revenue Authority to construct a dry port at Nesitu to minimise congestion and delays in clearance of goods for Home use at Nimule Border
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NCTTCA need to follow up with the Government of South Sudan and lobby other development partners to have the dry port is established
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
The report advocates for the increase in cargo off-take by rail and utilising the ICDs to ease pressure on the overstretched road infrastructure and enhance safety along the Northern Corridor
Partially done: Kenya has directed most of the local cargo be transported via SGR
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NCTTCA to work closely with stakeholders towards advocating for more cargo be transported via SGR to ease congestions on the roads
Intra-regional Trade |
The regional countries are facing trade deficit while imports are increasing with minimal exports. The Member States are to prioritise boosting investments and value addition for exports and capacity building, especially in agro-processing, mining, oil and gas industry which is posed to boost exports from the region.
Ongoing as a long-term activity. Member States are at a different level of implementation.
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NCTTCA to work closely with relevant agencies and device ways of promoting investments and capacity building geared towards addressing trade deficit
Intra-regional Trade |
The region trades more with the outside world than within. The potential in the region can be unlocked if we boost intra-regional trade. Elimination of visas as stipulated the Northern corridor transit and Transport Agreement and mutual recognition of standards. The index for the ease of doing business in the region is high. Countries need to support and ease procedures in doing business across the region; Also, implementation of trade facilitation instruments varies by country and therefore affecting smooth cross-border trade. Thus, the need for all Northern Corridor Member States to implement fully trade facilitation instruments that exist already.
Ongoing in some Member States; Member States are at a different level of implementation.
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders to implement the recommendations towards promoting intra-regional trade in the region.
Road Conditions |
The quality of the infrastructure is a key consideration in the achievement of the region’s development goals. Regular monitoring of the conditions at a regional level to provide information on the sections for prioritisation in improvement. Widening of the Corridor and development of climbing lanes, were necessary, as a result of increased traffic will help improve in the transit times hence accelerating trade. Most of Northern Corridor is a two-lane road, and speed reduction and necessity of overtaking at uphill paths since large vehicle’s speed reduces at uphill paths. All the Member states should work towards improving the Northern Corridor and should also focus on the development of the roadside stations with all the amenities. These will also be important in improving road safety, reducing driver fatigue, thereby reducing accidents
Partially done; It’s a continuous process
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NCTTCA to continue working with road authorities to monitor road condition and implementing measures towards ensuring quality infrastructure
Delays along the Corridor |
The port dwell time is dependent on other indicators such as the time taken at one stop centre, time taken at the Document Processing Centre and time taken within the port after customs release. Intervening in the under this these indicators will automatically reduce the port dwell time; In as much as improvement has been registered, the target for the dwell time has not been achieved. Dwell time is affected by many players within the port ranging from the Revenue authority since goods cannot leave without their clearance and other cargo interveners. The free period which is nine days, also has an impact on faster cargo is evacuated from the port. An approach informed by analytics should show how to balance between free period and the dwell time target to inform the review process.
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NCTTCA to follow-up with relevant stakeholders and address delays as a result of indicators that falls within the dwell time indicator
Pipeline Transport |
The pipeline transportation policy which was lifted sometimes back so the decline in the off-take of fuel by the pipeline. This coupled with constraints on the lines as well as ullage issue where only big players are allocated quotas locking out smaller oil marketers have seen most business taken by the tracking companies. This has posed safety issues and congestions along the Northern Corridor.
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Kenya Pipeline Corporation
NCTTCA to follow-up with KPC on the policy
Pipeline Transport |
The pipeline capacity has tremendously been increased, and the loading bottleneck at the depot have been addressed. Additionally, the pipeline is also upgrading its systems shifting to digital systems that seek to enhance efficiency as it helps ease congestion on the main Northern Corridor highway. There is need to sensitise transit market of the achievements and facilities available
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NCTTCA to invest more efforts in this programme and continue with the reporting on Green Freight Programs and advocating implementation by Member States
Delays along the Corridor |
The indicator on time taken after release at the port shows that traders and transporters should, therefore, act swiftly as fast as possible to ensure faster evacuation of their cargo from the port after clearance to reduce time wastage as a result of laxities on their side
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NCTTCA to follow up with transporters association to influence their members to evacuate cargo to reduce delays.
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
The current meter gauge Rail transport has declined in terms of capacity though there are plans to improve. The Standard gauge railway (SGR), with the first phase from Mombasa to Nairobi complete, will present an opportunity for increase in trade and uptake of cargo by the railway. The Standard Gauge Railway has no railway sidings. Therefore the existing meter gauge railway should be revitalised to provide connections for transportation and delivery of cargo beyond the SGR terminals
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NCTTCA to follow-up with Railways Transport agencies towards implementation of the recommendation
Transport Costs |
The container deposit fees charged by the shippers and the free period given should be revised to enhance containerised transport.
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NCTTCA need to follow-up and lobby for this to be implemented
Green Freight |
The Policy Guidelines on surface modes of transport should be updated. A regional policy should be prepared, taking into account the clear advantages of each mode in minimising public costs, safety and the environment
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NCTTCA to follow-up with KPC on the policy
One Stop Border Post |
The OSBP in plan should look at including LAN & WAN infrastructure in the build with power backup systems as mitigation for outages due to heavy rains and power
The OSBPs have been fitted with internet connections.
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NCTTCA Need to follow up to include power backups and also ascertain the actual position in terms of internet connectivity
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
The Northern Corridor Member States should strive to ensure that all weighbridges are HSWIM and install the static scales on either side of the road at busy weighbridge stations.
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NCTTCA to follow up and have all weighbridges in Kenya have HSWIM
Delays along the Corridor |
The Northern Corridor Member States are urged to ease the process of granting work permits to trade facilitation agents in their countries as per the Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Agreement to enable them to work efficiently and minimise delays of evacuation of cargo from the port
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NCTTCA to follow up with transporters association to influence their members to evacuate cargo to reduce delays.
Intra-regional Trade |
The Member states are urged to harmonise the use of the COMESA Simplified Trade Regime instruments to support small scale cross border trade such as the simplified Certificate of Origin, Simplified Customs Declaration and value limit for goods cleared using the instruments to at least US $ 2000 per consignment
Done in some Member States and ongoing in others
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant agencies to have this recommendation implemented.
Cargo Monitoring |
Support in strengthening the logistics industry environment in the Member states
Partially done in some Member States; and Ongoing in others
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NCTTCA to work with Transport Association and identify areas of interventions towards strengthening the logistics industry environment
Delays along the Corridor |
Stoppage Reasons: In-depth analysis for the personal reasons stoppage by truckers is needed. This includes knowing exact personal reasons as well as specific points where stoppages do occur along the corridor. Therefore, the report recommends a survey to be conducted to inform policy on addressing these delays.
Ongoing (with the online data collection using mobile phones)
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NCTTCA needs to come up with a mechanism of breaking down activities under personal reasons which contributes much on delays and a mechanism on how to address and reduce the delays
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
Stakeholders should be sensitised on the operations of the SGR and the procedures for handling and clearance of cargo by the SGR which is to be trans-shipped in Nairobi should be developed and circulated to stakeholders to support smooth intermodal transport interchange.
Most of the traders are aware of the procedures
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NCTTCA to work with stakeholders and come up with ways of sensitising traders and other stakeholders on the operations of SGR and procedures for handling and clearance of cargo by SGR.
One Stop Border Post |
Sensitisation on regulations and procedures for clearance through customs and immigration
Most traders are informed on regulations and procedures.
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NCTTCA need to work closely with other stakeholders and come up with a strategy of sensitising traders and other stakeholders on regulations and procedures for clearance.
Sensitisation on Official Charges |
Sensitisation of truckers through issuance of information brochures and on official charges
Most truckers are aware of current charges, but always get unawares when new charges are introduced
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NCTTCA to work closely with stakeholders and device means of sharing information with stakeholders efficiently and on time. Consider coming up with information trade portal.
Sensitisation on Official Charges |
Sensitisation of drivers/transporters on legal and illegal charges
No Sensitisation has been done; However, most truckers are informed on legal and illegal charges
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NCTTCA to work closely with stakeholders and device means of sharing information with stakeholders efficiently and on time. Consider coming up with information trade portal
Transport Costs |
Secretariat to conduct an impact assessment of the corridor to establish the current transport cost
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There is a need to conduct an assessment to ascertain transport cost along the NC
Road Safety |
Roll out of driver training program and sensitisation to reduce accidents along the corridor
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NCTTCA to follow up and implement with the relevant stakeholders
Customs Processes and Automation |
Regional Customs Transit Bond should be used for all goods whose taxes are not paid to minimise fresh declarations and bonding of goods at border stations which contributes significantly to the border crossing time and delays. Furthermore, Member States should recognise the RCTG bond executed by forwarders in the other Member States
RCTG not fully implemented yet.
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders and have this implemented.
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
Put in place vehicle and axle load controls; set up a Weighbridge along the Nimule – Juba road is getting damaged due to overloaded trucks
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Ministry of Transport Roads and Bridges - South Sudan
No weighbridge in South Sudan
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
Put in place multiple weighing lanes at busy sections of the corridor such as at Athi-river and Mariakani to reduce traffic congestion at these weighbridge stations.
Kenya upgraded most weighbridges
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NCTTCA to follow up to have weighbridges upgraded in Uganda
Road Conditions |
One major point of focus is to use proper maintenance approaches/strategies. It was noted that the use of performance-based maintenance contracts was working well in Kenya, and it is recommended for all the Member States to adopt this strategy along the Northern Corridor. Furthermore, it is recommended that newly upgraded roads be resealed after six years to prolong their life spans.
Ongoing; It’s a continuous process
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NCTTCA to share the concept of performance-based maintenance contracts with other Member States
Road Safety |
Need for driving hours to be regulated to enhance road safety
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NCTTCA to work with relevant stakeholders and transport association to implement the recommendation
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
Member states are urged to give priority to expansion of railways transport infrastructure development along the corridor. Also, to be given priority is expansion of Inland waterways network
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NCTTCA to do follow up and confirm implementation of this recommendation
Road Conditions |
Member States should prioritise the rehabilitation of the sections under the Northern Corridor which have continued to deteriorate over the past years. These sections have led to the delays and even increase the cost of maintaining the vehicles using these sections of the roads hence raising the cost of doing business, thereby affecting the flow of intraregional trade. Furthermore, with the signing of the African CFTA, Member States should work towards development of intercontinental transport infrastructure networks to facilitate intercontinental trade. In light of the growing volumes of cargo across the key traditional borders, there is need to open up new trade routes and border stations to support trade across the borders, reduce distances to the border for trading communities where these roads pass and to decongest the traditional borders.
Ongoing as a continuous activity
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders to have the recommendations implemented
Intra-regional Trade |
Member States are urged to automate collection of informal cross border trade statistics they are encouraged to benchmark with Rwanda which has started implementation
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NCTTCA to advocate for adoption of various methodologies for collection of data on informal trade
Transport Costs |
Member States are called upon to implement Article 43 of the NCTTA, which calls for elimination of visa fees
Pending for DRC and South Sudan
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant agencies towards eliminating visa fees in Member states of DRC and South Sudan
Transport Costs |
Liberalisation would create a more competitive haulage sector as well as reduce the overall cost of transport. The Member States should work towards reviewing their trade policies on intra-regional trade to support the creation of backhaul cargo for transporters
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NCTTCA to follow up and ensure the recommendation is implemented
Transport Costs |
Lack of backhaul is a factor that contributes to high transport rates in the region. There is need to expedite approval procedures for acquisition of permit to transport cargo to the local market by transit licensed trucks.
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NCTTCA need to follow-up and lobby
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
It was reported that there is a lot of congestion at the Nairobi ICD and high trucks turnaround time. Currently, there is one gate for exports and empty containers. It was recommended that KPA need to create additional gates to reduce congestion at the ICD-N.
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NCTTCA need to liaise with KPA to have this problem address through the implementation of the recommendation
Customs Processes and Automation |
It was recommended that South Sudan should automate its customs business processes to expedite clearance of internationally traded goods with a proposal that the automation process is carried out in phases.
The processes of automating customs processes in South Sudan is currently ongoing
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The Republic of South Sudan National Revenue Authority
NCTTCA need to play a critical role in ensuring the customs processes have been automated
One Stop Border Post |
It is recommended that efforts should be made to explore opening another border station between Uganda and Kenya, preferably located between Busia and shores of Lake Victoria to ease flow of goods between the two countries. The capacity of Malaba and Busia border station which handle goods heading towards the transit route through Kampala is becoming overstretched
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NCTTCA to recommend to agencies concern
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
It is recommended that all Member States work towards having all weighbridges high-speed weigh-in-motion and on either side of the road, especially at busy sections of the corridor as well as implementing remotely monitored virtual weighbridges to avoid stopping trucks unnecessarily
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NCTTCA to follow up to have weighbridges upgraded in Uganda; NCTTCA to follow up and have all weighbridges in Kenya have HSWIM.
Customs Processes and Automation |
Issue 13 recommended the need for single window systems to be integrated across the region
Single window adopted in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda
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Need to synchronise all single windows
Transport Costs |
Increased use of containers would be more appropriate to reduce costs related to both imports and exports to and from the port
NCTTCA to continue monitoring the use of containers.
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NCTTCA to continue monitoring the use of containers.
Transport Costs |
Improvement in the logistics in Rwanda and promotion of market competition will ultimately reduce transport rates in Rwanda.
Ongoing: NCTTCA need to follow-up
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NCTTCA need to follow-up
Delays along the Corridor |
Improve on the cargo handling facilities and procedures for receipt of goods at ICD’s and bonded warehouses. The implication is that there are delays in receiving of cargo in the inland cargo storage areas (ICD’s and bonded warehouses) and delays in cancellation of transit bonds for goods which have reached their destinations. The delays are a sign of inefficiencies at the ICD’s and bonded warehouses, which causes delays in offloading goods from trucks, thereby affecting their turnaround time.
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant agencies towards enhancing operations at ICDs
Customs Processes and Automation |
Implementation of the Regional Customs Transit Guarantee and Single Customs Declaration form for the region and other Trade facilitation instruments
Some trade facilitation instruments not implemented yet.
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders and have this implemented
Delays along the Corridor |
Implementation of the International Maritime Traffic (FAL) Convention by reducing paperwork, simplifying formalities, documentary requirements and procedures associated with the arrival, stay and departure of ships engaged on international voyages is crucial.
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant agencies
Transport Costs |
High transports rates and hidden cost: involvement of other stakeholders like police and County Governments to address issues of the hidden costs. It is incumbent upon policymakers on routes that return high costs to work on eliminating the logistical and infrastructural bottlenecks that may exist. Members States should address the issues that lead to higher transport costs for journeys which are shorter than the other
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NCTTCA need to follow-up and lobby
Transport Costs |
High transports are an impediment to trade, it incumbent upon policymakers on routes that return high costs to work on eliminating the logistical and infrastructural bottlenecks that may exist. Transport rates have increased to some destinations, including Bujumbura. This could be attributed to various factors among them the longer route that has been in use in comparison to another shorter route through the central corridor. Sensitisation on the use of the alternative route through Tanzania via Voi-Taita Taveta which reduces the distance travelled from Mombasa is underway. This will boost the use of the Port of Mombasa for goods to and from Burundi.
Partially done; Survey of the shortest route to Bujumbura via Taveta/Holili was carried out as well as sensitisation was done in Bujumbura
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NCTTCA to enhance more sensitisation to stakeholders in Burundi and Rwanda and lobby to have smooth clearance at the borders with Tanzania
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
Furthermore, transport links for accessing and evacuation of cargo at the SGR terminal at Embakasi ICD – Nairobi should be developed to enhance efficiency of the ICD in cargo evacuation. Furthermore, transport services at the SGR terminals should be streamlined to eliminate or minimise need for fresh customs documentation at the SGR terminals once cargo has been documented at the stations/points of origin.
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NCTTCA to work with stakeholders and come up with ways of sensitising traders and other stakeholders on the operations of SGR and procedures for handling and clearance of cargo by SGR.
Green Freight |
For sustainable transport, Member States are urged to implement the Green Freight Program
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NCTTCA to invest more efforts in this programme and continue with the reporting on Green Freight Programs and advocating implementation by Member States
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
Follow-up to ensure that transit trucks are only weighed twice at the Point of Entry
It is understood that with the introduction of HSWIM, the trucks are only diverted to static weighbridge if they are not compliant with HSWIM
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NCTTCA to keep monitoring and ensuring there are no many delays associated with the frequent weighing of trucks.
Road Safety |
Fast-tracking implementation of the roadside stations with amenities would minimise unnecessary multiple stops. It will also reduce driver fatigue, which is also a major course of accidents along the corridor
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NCTTCA to follow up towards complete implementation of the roadside stations
Transport Costs |
Enhancing the Northern Corridor Transport Observatory Portal to capture the cost of doing business and intraregional trade.
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NCTTCA to work on establishing a portal.
One Stop Border Post |
Digital scanner is necessary to minimise delays or easy verification of goods at the border stations
Scanners installed in some of the borders especially on OSBPs
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NCTTCA need to ascertain exact position in all the borders; Recommend and follow up to ensure digital scanners have been installed where scanners do not exist
Transport Costs |
Different transport costs characterise different modes of transport since each has its capacity limitations and operational conditions. When two or more modes are directly competing for the same market, the outcome often results in lower transport costs. Investing in rail will ultimately reduce the cost of doing business.
Kenya has invested in SGR as an alternative mode of transport hence enhancing competition and reducing transport costs
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Other member states starting with Uganda to consider enhancing railway as an alternative mode of transport
Road Conditions |
Development partners to support South Sudan and DR Congo in developing/improving the road network where 95 % and 81% of the networks are in bad conditions, respectively
NCTTCA has been working closely with relevant agencies towards sourcing for funds for use in improving road conditions
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NCTTCA to continue working closely with road agencies towards seeking for funds towards improving road conditions
Delays along the Corridor |
Development of the new Terminal Operating System (TOS) and Truck Appointment System (TAS) should be expedited to enhance container handling and truck turnarounds time at the port Terminal to ease congestion at the port and its environs.
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NCTTCA to follow up with KPA to ascertain exact position and lobby to have it expedited
Road Safety |
Development of harmonised road safety strategy in the region: this involves the development of a road crash database. Sharing of experience across the agencies involved in road safety matters should be encouraged as well as the roll-out of the driver training program and sensitisation to reduce accidents along the corridor. All the member countries should have strict enforcement of traffic laws. Fast-tracking implementation of the Roadside Stations with amenities would minimise unnecessary multiple stops made by drivers along the corridor. It will also avail resting places for drivers to reduce driver fatigue which is also a major cause of accidents along the corridor
Ongoing in some Member States and Partially done in others
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NCTTCA to follow up and implement with the relevant stakeholders
Road Safety |
Development of harmonised road safety strategy in the region- this should also involve the development of a road crash database. Need for sharing of experience across the agencies involved in road safety matters. Roll out the driver training program and sensitisation to reduce accidents along the corridor
Ongoing in some Member States and partially done in others
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NCTTCA to follow up and implement with the relevant stakeholders
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
Delegates recommend that NCTTCA should advocate for reopening of the Kisumu-Jinja-Port Bell waterway to boost trade between Kisumu and Jinja
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant authorities and advocate for the reopening
Delays along the Corridor |
Delay at document process centre calls for sensitisation of clearing agents on proper and timely submission, and automated documents processing would be an instrument in lowering the time taken to process the documents
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NCTTCA to work closely with transport associations and clearing agents towards sensitising on timely submission of clearing documents and automated documents processing towards lowering the time taken at DPCs
Delays along the Corridor |
Customs should approve ship manifests (partial manifests) before the arrival of vessels at Mombasa Port to facilitate pre-declaration of goods by Traders/Clearing Agents
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NCTTCA to follow up with KPA and customs authorities to implement pre-clearance
Customs Processes and Automation |
Challenge in exchanging information and tracking of cargo: To promote exchange of information across the borders, the Northern Corridor Member States should expedite the implementation of a Regional Unique Consignment Reference (R-UCR)
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NCTTCA to follow up with relevant stakeholders
Delays along the Corridor |
Assist shippers in understanding the impact of last-minute changes, including late lodging or amendment of a manifest, on overall logistic chain performance
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NCTTCA to come up with a way of sensitising stakeholders on the impact.
Transport Costs |
Another factor that is increasing the cost of business in the region is the monopoly of shipping lines that also acts as clearing agents and transporters that kills competition in the region. There is need to consider the possibility of having a competition body to regulate the industry and guard against monopoly tendencies and price fixing
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NCTTCA to follow up
Railways Transport and Inland waterways |
Among the challenges experienced by railways are ageing tracks and rolling stock, insufficient resources for maintenance and poor tracking of the wagons and cargo. Inadequate number of locomotives and wagons, poor rail infrastructure for the meter gauge has slowed down development within the Northern Corridor rail freight transport sector. With the advent of the SGR, incentives policies on pricing, regulations and standards should be developed to attract modal shift. Increasing rail competitiveness will benefit transport users primarily through; reducing transit times, improving connections, and improving quality and affordability, and therefore contributing to greening the corridor.
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NCTTCA to follow up with railways agencies in Kenya and Uganda towards developing incentives policies on pricing, regulations and standards
Transport Costs |
Amidst the increased trade within the Northern Corridor, member countries should rely more heavily on containers to transport goods due to its limited ability to be tampered with while in transit, the ease in shipment on regular shipping lines and ease in cargo tallying
NCTTCA to continue monitoring the use of containers
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NCTTCA to continue monitoring the use of containers
Delays along the Corridor |
Agencies involved in clearing or handling of goods are encouraged to develop and implement stakeholder’s engagement strategy. This will ensure that problem is identified as early as possible and communication passed to their customers appropriately
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NCTTCA to come up with a strategy on how clearing agents can communicate seamlessly with the traders
Road Conditions |
A higher percentage of roads are in poor condition in the region. Member States to prioritise the road infrastructure development along the corridor
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NCTTCA to continue working closely with road agencies towards seeking for funds towards improving road conditions
Customs Processes and Automation |
Most custom systems are upgraded
Awaits KRA to finalise upgrading of Customs system
Customs Processes and Automation |
Uganda should consider expanding goods cleared under SCT and work towards full roll-out. It will also minimise diversion of goods in transit. Border crossing time has been seen as the second cause of delays
Goods to Uganda and Rwanda are cleared under SCT
Need to sensitise more traders to have their goods cleared under SCT
Roadblocks |
There is a need to involve police officers in validation workshops and any other activities of the northern corridor. This will enable them to get to know and appreciate the need to ensure trade facilitation along the corridor
Partially done
Roadblocks |
There is a need for NCTTCA to work closely with stakeholders to establish one stop inspection centre to centralise inspection processes
NCTTCA need to come up with a strategy on how to implement the recommendation
NCTTCA Reports |
The NCTTCA Secretariat should roll out Performance Dashboards to Member States urged to provide data on a monthly basis to the Secretariat to enable this roll out to take place.
Stakeholders: All data providers for the weekly dashboard
OBR is providing weekly data but not sufficient to report on a weekly basis, can consider monthly reporting
Data Sharing and Automation |
Stakeholders should provide the raw data as required by the Secretariat at least once a week and on a monthly basis as agreed to enhance efficiency and consistency in reporting.
Kenya National Highway Authority
Kenya Revenue Authority
Kenya Ports Authority
Direction Generale Des Douanes Et Accises
The Republic of South Sudan National Revenue Authority
Office Burundais Des Recettes
Uganda Revenue Authority
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Follow up with URA to share ASYCUDA data on a weekly basis.
Data Sharing and Automation |
Stakeholders are requested to continue providing the Secretariat with data on a timely basis to improve monitoring of the corridor performance and enhance reliability
Kenya National Highway Authority
Kenya Revenue Authority
Uganda Revenue Authority
Rwanda Revenue Authority
The Republic of South Sudan National Revenue Authority
Office Burundais Des Recettes
Kenya Ports Authority
Direction Generale Des Douanes Et Accises
Follow up with URA to share ASYCUDA data on a weekly basis
Data Sharing and Automation |
Sensitisation of transporters on GPS survey and identify other possible sources of GPS data
No GPS data being collected
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Kenya Revenue Authority
Uganda Revenue Authority
Pursue access to RECTS for data as well as enhancing mobile data collection
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
NCTTCA to liaise with stakeholders and carry out Axle load self-compliance campaigns.
Done Partially
Stakeholders: Road Agencies, Ministry of Roads in Member states
Done Partially
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
Member states to fully domesticate the provisions of the EAC vehicle load control bill
Done Partially
Stakeholders: Road Agencies, Ministry of Roads in Member states
Done Partially
Data Sharing and Automation |
Linking stakeholder’s ICT systems with observatory to enhance seamless transmission of data
Kenya Revenue Authority
Office Burundais Des Recettes
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Kenya National Highway Authority
Uganda National Roads Authority
NCTTCA to engage stakeholders to sell the idea before actual implementation of API
Roadblocks |
It was reported there exist many police roadblocks along the Northern Corridor routes which contribute to a lot of delays in the movement of cargo. There is a need to carry out campaigns to sensitise all players and stakeholders on trade facilitation and the need to accord special treatment to transit trucks once they are cleared.
NCTTCA need to come up with a strategy on how to implement the recommendation
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
In Uganda, it is evident that weighbridge axle compliance has not been fully achieved at most of the weighbridges. This calls for roll-out and implementation of VLC by all stakeholders and the roll-out of the media communication campaign against overloading
NCTTCA need to work closely with UNRA and Ministry of Transport in Uganda to carry out sensitisation and roll out Axle load self-compliance campaigns
NCTTCA need to work closely with UNRA and Ministry of Transport in Uganda to carry out sensitisation and roll out Axle load self-compliance campaigns
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
Implementation of the voluntary vehicle load control charter should be fast-tracked, and awareness campaigns extended along the corridor to cover all the Member States
Done Partially
Stakeholders: Road Agencies, Ministry of Roads in Member states
Done Partially
Roadblocks |
Full implementation of the presidential directive on the removal of all roadblocks and police checks.
There still exist roadblocks and police check along the Northern Corridor
Carry out a survey to ascertain the exact position on the roadblocks along the NC routes
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
Education and sensitisation of shippers on existing regulations to enhance compliance at weighbridges in Uganda is required
Done Partially
Stakeholders: Road Agencies, Ministry of Roads in Member states
Done Partially
Weighbridges and Axle Load Compliance |
Develop a “culture of compliance” among shippers, logistics chain providers, and Government entities. Broad initiatives such as the signatories to the Port Community Charter at Mombasa would provide appropriate forums
Done Partially
Stakeholders: Road Agencies, Ministry of Roads in Member states
Done Partially
Customs Processes and Automation |
DRC and South Sudan should consider joining the Single Customs Territory (SCT) for clearance of goods as the benefits are many, including faster clearance and movement of goods.
Stakeholders: Customs Authorities
NCTTCA to recommend and influence to have goods for DRC and SS cleared under SCT
Data Sharing and Automation |
Automation of data transfer should be embraced by stakeholders to ensure delays and other related challenges are reduced
Kenya National Highway Authority
Kenya Ports Authority
Uganda Revenue Authority
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Follow up with URA, KeNHA, KPA & RRA to have data sharing automated.